Announcing NDSS 2019 & the Call for Papers Thumbnail
Improving Technical Security 22 June 2018

Announcing NDSS 2019 & the Call for Papers

By Karen O'DonoghueFormer Director, Internet Trust and Technology

It may seem far away, but it’s time to begin planning for the 26th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium. NDSS 2019 will once again be held in sunny San Diego at the lovely Catamaran Spa and Resort from 24-27 February 2019.

This annual security symposium is a premiere venue for fostering information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security. The target audience includes those interested in practical aspects of network and distributed system security, with a focus on actual system design and implementation. A major goal is to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of available security technologies.

NDSS 2019 will have a new General Chair, Dr. Trent Jaeger of Pennsylvania State University. In addition, the Program Committee for NDSS 2019 is being chaired by Dr. Alina Opera of Northeastern University and Dr. Dongyan Xu of Purdue University. Additional positions will be announced in the coming weeks.

Most importantly for all you researchers out there, the NDSS 2019 Call for Papers has been released. As in years past, the focus of the symposium will be the many aspects of security and privacy including the security of emerging networks including the Internet of Things (IoT), integrating security into network protocols, security for future Internet architectures, usable security and privacy, and security for large-scale critical infrastructure. Many of these topics are of keen interest to the Internet Society community. The submission site will open on 6 July, and the deadline for submissions is 7 August. Questions about the CFP can be addressed to the program chairs at [email protected] and general questions about NDSS can be sent to [email protected].

Additionally, the NDSS 2019 team is beginning the work of signing up sponsors for the event. As a premiere security research event, NDSS gives you the opportunity to support the next generation of security research and researchers. There are numerous ways that the broader security and Internet community can help support NDSS. Additional information will be forthcoming at In the meantime, expressions of interest can be sent to [email protected].

It seems like just yesterday that NDSS 2018 was wrapping up with the last tweets, Facebook, and LinkedIn posts focusing on various high points. NDSS 2018 was indeed a stunning success with high quality research results presented, record attendance numbers, and four quality co-located workshops. All the papers, slides, and videos from NDSS 2018 are still available online at

We look forward to another amazing event next February, and we hope you’ll be part of it! Remember to use #NDSS19 in all your social media posts along the way.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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