Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) 4 October 2017

DNSSEC operational for .il ccTLD

By Kevin MeynellFormer Senior Manager, Technical and Operational Engagement

Since 13 August 2017, the .il ccTLD is providing DNSSEC support for 8 of its second-level domains. This means it is now possible to register DNSSEC-signed domains under,,,, and

The .il ccTLD is operated by the Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL), although the registration and administration of third-level domain names is undertaken by its accredited registrars. The and domains are administered by public bodies and do not currently support DNSSEC, although there are plans to implement this for in the near future.


If you’re interested in deploying DNSSEC or want to know why it’s important, then please take at look at our DNSSEC section to find out how to get started.

Further Information


Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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