Call on Your Government To Support Encryption Thumbnail
Encryption 4 July 2017

Call on Your Government To Support Encryption

By Olaf KolkmanPrincipal - Internet Technology, Policy, and Advocacy

Eighty-three organizations and individuals from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States are insisting governments support strong encryption.

The letter, which was sent to government representatives in each of the above countries, called for public participation in any future discussions. It comes on the heels of the “Five Eyes” ministerial meeting in Ottawa, Canada earlier this week.

The Internet Society supports the substance of the letter.  

Strong encryption is an essential piece to the future of the world’s economy, and the Internet Society believes that encryption should be the norm for Internet traffic and data storage. It allows us to do our banking, conduct local and global business, run our power grids, operate communications networks, and more.

Encryption is a technical building block for securing infrastructure, communications, and information. It should be made stronger and universal, not weaker.

We urge people around the world to tell their governments to support opportunities in business, education, economy and almost everything else. 

Make encryption stronger. Not Weaker.

Note: The Internet Society is a signatory to the letter.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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