Growing the Internet 15 June 2017

Internet Situation in Egypt

Salam Yamout
By Salam YamoutFormer Regional Bureau Director, Middle East

In June 2017, the Internet Society Egypt Chapter issued a statement in reaction to some of the recent blocking activities observed over the preceding months. Over this time, several incidents have caused unusual service disruption and have made access to some online applications and services much more difficult. This was followed by the blocking of a considerable number of websites in May 2017.

The Internet Society Egypt Chapter (Internet Masr) observes these developments with caution and calls “upon all Internet stakeholders in Egypt from service providers, government, private sector, and civil society to promote and maintain an open, and unfragmented Internet access for all”.

The full statement is available here.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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