Building Our New Website: A vision for the new site Thumbnail
About Internet Society 9 June 2017

Building Our New Website: A vision for the new site

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

In the early stages of our process to build a new Internet Society website, we developed a “vision” for what we wanted the new website to be. Last year we spoke with many people throughout the larger Internet Society community. We spoke with staff, with Chapter leaders, with partner organizations, with individual members and many more.

As we launch the “beta” of the new website this week, I want to share with you the vision that emerged out of all of those aspirations:

Our website is a driving force in realizing our mission of an open Internet for everyone. It empowers all who care about a free and safe Internet and inspires action to make a positive difference.

It demonstrates our global impact, promotes our point of view, and provides definitive resources on the news, technologies, and policies that shape the Internet – today and tomorrow.

It delivers a focused and engaging experience that connects with a breadth of individuals, organizations and influencers. It extends our reach, supports our community, and grows our membership, creating a foundation for building a stronger Internet.

What do you think of that? Does that resonate with you? Does that sound like guiding principles for an Internet Society website?

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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