Summoning All Youth! Let the World Know What You Think About the Internet! Thumbnail
About Internet Society 1 May 2017

Summoning All Youth! Let the World Know What You Think About the Internet!

Bruna Santos
By Bruna SantosGuest Author

I’m Bruna Santos, a Brazillian tech policy nerd!

For the past three years I have worked as a legal advisor at the Presidency of Brazil, covering Human Rights and Internet Governance issues and taking part in interesting discussions on the Internet in Brazil in past years like the Marco Civil da Internet (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet) and Data Protection bill draft. I am also an alumna of the Brazilian School of Internet Governance, a fellow at the 9th Latin America and Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Internet Governance Forum, an ICANN Fellow during ICANN58, and a very proud member of the Internet Society Special Interest Group Youth Observatory.

Inspired by my Youth Observatory colleagues and as a young person who is interested in policy-making processes, building a safe online environment for young women is one of my highest priorities. Because of this, I joined the IGF’s Best Practice Forum on Gender & Access as a voluntary investigator and co-authored the “Young Latin American Women Declaration: Enabling access to empower young women and build a feminist Internet Governance.”

Through my work in Internet governance, I hear stories of young people who are not only interested in the Internet but want to make it a better place for future generations. It is inspiring and stimulating, and I would like to know how you view the Internet and might change the world through it!

The Internet Society celebrates its 25th birthday this year. As part of the celebration, we’re conducting a brief survey for people between 13-25 to learn how you envision the Internet.

Our generation was born with the Internet and will be improving it for at least the next 50 years. This is huge, so we need your opinions on what the Internet means to you, its challenges in your community, and its opportunities in your region.

Tell us what you think:


Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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