Deploy360 22 February 2017

Deploy360 @ APRICOT 2017

By Kevin MeynellFormer Senior Manager, Technical and Operational Engagement

The Deploy360 team will be busy next week at the APRICOT 2017 Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Aftab Siddiqui and Jan Žorž will be co-chairing the Asia-Pacific BCOP BoF, Jan will be giving two presentations on DNSSEC/DANE and IPv6, whilst Aftab will moderate a panel about the APNIC transfer market. Our colleague Andrei Robachevsky will also be talking about the MANRS initiative.

First up on the agenda is the Best Current Operational Practices (BCOP) BoF being organised by the Deploy360 team on Monday, 27 February 2017 (17.30 to 19.00 UTC+7) in Ballroom 1&2 of the Sheraton Saigon Hotel. We already blogged about this, but this is part of our BCOP initiative to encourage the development of regional BCOP initiatives to document operational knowledge and practices based on the experience of network engineers.

The following day (28 February) between 14.30 and 15.30 UTC+7 in VIP 3&4, Jan will talk during the DNS/DNSSEC session about his experiences setting up DNSSEC with Let’s Encrypt and DANE. He’ll also present the results of his mail server testing where he asked the question – which remote servers have DNSSEC-signed domains, which are TLS capable,  and how many are using DANE.

On Wednesday (1 March) between 09.00 and 10.30 UTC+7 in Ballroom 3, Aftab will be moderating the APNIC Panel on Navigating the IPv4 Transfer Market. With 4 out of 4 RIRs reaching IPv4 exhaustion, activity in the IPv4 transfer market has been growing, and this Q&A session aims to guide network operators through the transfer market process. The other panellists include David Huberman (Oracle), Amy Potter (Hilco Streambank), Peter Himmesch (Addex) and George Kuo (APNIC).

In the afternoon between 16.00 and 17.00 UTC+7 in Ballroom 1 & 2, Andrei will be presenting Two Years of Good MANRS during the Network Security (2) sessionMutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is an initiative of network operators to establish a recognised industry supported baseline for implementation of essential security measures.

Jan then has another presentation on Thursday (2 March) between 09.00 and 10.30 UTC+7 in Ballroom 3 during the IPv6 Deployment session, where he’ll talk about the NAT64/DNS64 experiments undertaken by Go6lab and IPv6-lab. As many mobile operators are moving to IPv6 only, it’s necessary to employ transition mechanisms such as 464XLAT or NAT64. The Go6lab NAT64/DNS64 testbed has therefore been established so that operators, service providers, and hardware and software vendors can see how their solutions work in these environments. This is a really interesting presentation, so be sure to catch this session if you’re involved with IPv6 deployment.

The Internet Society is also organising a couple of other sessions. The Community Wireless Mesh Networks (CWMN) BoF will be held on Tuesday, 28 February 2017 between 17.30 and 19.00 UTC+7 in VIP 3 & 4, and will be chaired by Kanchana Kanchanasut (Internet Education and Research Laboratory). CWMNs are an alternative way of providing affordable access to the Internet through community participation, and the aim of this session is to bring together practitioners with experience in planning and deployment to expand knowledge, share lessons learnt, and encourage others to get involved.

Last but certainly not least, the ISOC@APRICOT session will be held on Wednesday, 1 March 2017 between 17.00 and 17.30 UTC+7 in the Danang Room. This is an opportunity to come and meet the team and hear about what the Internet Society is doing, but we’re always happy to talk any time about technology and how we can make the Internet a better place.

Further Information

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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