The Internet Society online course has improved my skills! Have you taken one? Thumbnail
Domain Name System (DNS) 14 September 2016

The Internet Society online course has improved my skills! Have you taken one?

By Internet SocietyGuest Author

The online training course, “Introduction to Network Operations: UNIX/Linux, Networking, and DNS” provided by the Internet Society (ISOC), has presented a platform on which Research Education Network for Uganda (RENU) member institutions can understand and diagnose various Network and Systems challenges.

From a well researched and presented introduction to Unix/Linux and its utilities, an introduction to Networks and DNS coupled with hands-on exercises, the participants of the course have been able to comfortably go through all the nine modules

Most of the participants had little to no prior knowledge or experience with Unix/Linux. John Semwanga, working with Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), was full of praise for the content, organization and the moderators during the one-month training period.

Hellen, a systems engineer at RENU, had the following to say; “It has been a wonderful experience, thanks to Perez and the moderation team.”

Joel Odenyo adds, “Being part of this training gave me an over view of networking, IPv4, and IPv6. Routing was another key component because I now know how routers work. DNS module was also relevant to me. All these will help me execute my new role as Assistant IT Officer. I, however, would like to suggest that an audio platform is included in the modules”.

“The opportunity to participate in the online course was a golden one for me. Following my academic background, the online course ushered me into a whole new field.   There was indeed a lot to learn starting from FreeBSD Installation, networking basics, DNS fundamentals, vim text editor, to mention but a few. Many thanks to the moderators Alex, Kevin, Perez and Nicholas, you worked tirelessly towards having all the participants understand the course material and to RENU, I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity granted to me” saysPatience Nagaba .

Academic and research institutions within Uganda are both technically and financially constrained. This resulted in a slow adoption of new and cutting edge services being introduced by the NREN. The Internet Society online course has now set a precedent for future training and with the skills acquired by the participants, I believe we are now on track to ensuring that RENU’s objectives and goals in the provision of Network and Systems services at the institutions will be achieved more easily.

Finally, I can say that the online training can be rated as a success thanks to RENU, the Internet Society, the course moderators and the participants. The online interaction among all members of the training team and the moderators was a worthwhile experience. I also believe that the course is a stepping-stone and a new dynamic in how RENU will conduct most of its training programs in the future.

The online training course run for 4 weeks with 33 trainees starting the course and 26 (of whom 7 were women engineers) managing to complete the course within the period.

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Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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