Deploy360 11 February 2016

Announcing ION Bangladesh in April!

By Megan KruseFormer Director, Advocacy and Communications

ION BangladeshI’m thrilled to announce we’ve just finalized plans to hold our first ION Conference of 2016 – ION Bangladesh will be held on Monday, 11 April, alongside the Bangladesh Network Operators’ Group (bdNOG). We sincerely thank bdNOG for their enthusiasm and hard work to bring all the pieces together. Also, as usual, this ION has generous support from our ION Conference Series Sponsor Afilias.

We’ll have a half-day program and cover some combination of our favorite topics including IPv6, DNSSEC, Securing BGP, and TLS for Applications. We’re working on a draft agenda and will soon be filling the speaker slots, so if you’ll be in Dhaka, Bangladesh in April or are already planning to attend bdNOG and you think you might make a good candidate, please speak up in the comments below or via our social media channels. A quick preview of some potential session titles:

  • IPv6 Success Stories – Network Operators Tell All!
  • Deploying DNSSEC: A Case Study
  • Lock it Up: TLS for Network Operators
  • DANE: The Future of Transport Layer Security (TLS)
  • What’s Happening at the IETF? Internet Standards and How to Get Involved
  • Collaborative Security: Routing Resilience Manifesto and MANRS

We’re still working out the logistics and registration details, so stay tuned to the ION Bangladesh website or this blog for more information. We’re also hoping to live stream the ION, so even if you can’t be there in person you’ll be able to follow along online. (Stay tuned for more information on that as we get closer.)

We’re also working on at least two more ION Conferences for 2016, as well as our 2017 and beyond locations. Are you part of something that might lend itself to co-locating with an ION? Let us know! We hold three or four events each year in locations all over the world, and we are open to all sorts of opportunities. Contact us to discuss co-location possibilities, or how your company could sponsor an existing ION Conference.

We hope to see you in Bangladesh, or at a future event!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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