Video Available of Kathy Brown’s Remarks at IGF 2015 High Level Leaders Meeting Thumbnail
Building Trust 10 November 2015

Video Available of Kathy Brown’s Remarks at IGF 2015 High Level Leaders Meeting

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Yesterday at the 2015 Internet Governance Forum (IGF2015) in Brazil, our President and CEO Kathy Brown gave an inspiring set of remarks in the High Level Leaders Meeting.  Courtesy of some excellent production work by Joly MacFie of our ISOC New York Chapter syncing the audio and video, we’re now able to provide you with a video recording of Kathy’s remarks:

In her remarks, Kathy echoed many of the themes she wrote about in her “On My Way to IGF 2015” blog post.

Please visit our IGF2015 page and our IGF2015-related blog posts for more information about all that is happening in Brazil this week!

UPDATE: Joly has also made the video available on Facebook for those who wish to share the video there.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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