Deploy360 16 November 2015

RIPE 71 starts in Bucharest

By Kevin MeynellFormer Senior Manager, Technical and Operational Engagement

RIPE71_logoThe RIPE 71 meeting is happening this week in Bucharest and opens with the plenary session at 14:00 UTC+2 today. If you’re following the Deploy360 technologies then it’s worth catching the presentation on BGP Security at IXs by Marco d’Itri later this afternoon, A Look Under the Hood at Devices, Networks and IPv6 by George Michaelson tomorrow, and then Todays’ Mobile Internet by Geoff Huston later on Friday.

Both Jan Žorž and Kevin Meynell from the Deploy360 team will be in Bucharest to report on proceedings, with Jan chairing the BCOP Task Force this evening starting at 18.00 UTC+2. This will discuss progress on documenting best current operational practices, with four BCOP documents up for discussion as well as the opportunity to propose new ones. As ever, the Task Force is also looking for volunteers to help support the task of writing the documents and achieve consensus within the group.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we’ll be following the IPv6, DNS and Routing Working Groups and will be reporting on developments there.

There are 523 registered attendees this time, so it’s sure to be a busy and productive week again. For those of you who cannot attend in person – there is remote participation available with audio and video streaming and also a jabber chat room, so everyone is welcome to participate!

The full programme can be found at

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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