Rough Guide to IETF 93 – Czech It Out! Thumbnail
Technology 13 July 2015

Rough Guide to IETF 93 – Czech It Out!

By Olaf KolkmanPrincipal - Internet Technology, Policy, and Advocacy

It’s almost here! Starting on Sunday, 19 July, the Internet Engineering Task Force will be in Prague for IETF 93, where more than 1000 engineers will spend a week discussing the latest issues in open standards and protocols. As usual, the Internet Society is providing a ‘Rough Guide’ to the IETF via a series of blog posts on topics of mutual interest:

  • Routing Resilience and Security
  • Scalability & Performance
  • DNSSEC, DANE, and DNS Security
  • Trust, Identity, and Privacy
  • Strengthening the Internet
  • The IANA Transition

All these posts can be found, and will be archived, on our website.

Here are some of the activities that the Internet Society is involved in and some of my personal highlights.

IETF Journal

Before we get to IETF 93, catch up on some of the highlights from IETF 92 in Dallas by reading Volume 11, Issue 1 of the IETF Journal. You can read all the articles online at, or pick up a hard copy in Prague. The cover article, “ 10 Years of the IETF Journal: How It Began,” continues our year-long celebration of the milestone and offers a retrospective from one of the Journal’s creators and its first editor, Mirjam Kuhne. We also have articles about the first IETF Hackathon, IAB Guidelines for Internet-of-Things Developers, a technical overview of SDN, NFV and more, and reports on ISOC Fellows, Applied Network Research Prize winners, along with the usual Chair Reports from the IETF, IAB, and IRTF Chairs.

Speaking of the IETF Journal, did you know it is now being translated into Russian? The March 2015 issue of the Журнал IETF (Инженерного совета Интернета) is available through our site and the Russian ISOC Chapter. This issue will be translated in a few weeks and linked from the main IETF Journal page.

Jonathan B. Postel Service Award

The Postel Service Award was established by the Internet Society to honor individuals or organizations that, like Jon Postel, have made outstanding contributions in service to the data communications community. During the IETF Operations and Administration Plenary from 09:00-11:30 on Thursday, 23 July, the Internet Society’s President and CEO, Kathy Brown, will present the Jon Postel award to this year’s recipient.

ISOC@IETF Briefing Panel

Internet connectivity speeds and mobile device capabilities vary across the world, but not all application or protocol developers keep that in mind. How do we address this discrepancy? Does the infrastructure need to change? Is this a temporary condition due to uneven global development? These are some of the questions we’ll discuss during the Internet Society Briefing Panel at IETF 93, entitled: Tackling Connectivity Diversity: Protocol Challenges for Constrained Radio Networks and Devices.” The panel takes place during lunch on Tuesday, 21 July. Pre-registration is required to attend this briefing panel in person, but it will also be webcast and audiocast for remote or later viewing.


Through the Applied Networking Research Prize (ANRP, supported by the Internet Society) the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) recognizes the best new ideas in networking, and brings them to the IETF, especially in cases where the ideas are relevant for transitioning into shipping Internet products and related standardization efforts. In Prague, two talented researchers will present during the IRTF Open Meeting on Monday, 20 July:


Right before IETF 93, the IETF is holding a Hackathon to encourage developers to discuss, collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards. The Hackathon is free to attend but limited to 100 attendees. This is the second time the IETF has held a Hackathon before a meeting, and I hope it is a tradition that continues. Read our article about the last Hackathon in the IETF Journal.


One of the week’s highlights will be the technical plenary on Tuesday, 21 July, which will feature a message from ITU Secretary General Houlin Zhao, a report on the Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Workshop, and the technical talk on Vehicular Communications.

Another major highlight of every IETF is the new work that gets started in birds-of-a-feather (BoF) sessions. Getting new work started in the IETF usually requires a BoF to discuss goals for the work, the suitability of the IETF as a venue for pursuing the work, and the level of interest in and support for the work. There are five BoFs happening in Prague:

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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