Community Projects 15 May 2015

The People of Nepal Need Our Help

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Updated: 15 May 2015

On 25 April a powerful 7.8 earthquake devastated the country of Nepal. Two weeks after the initial quake, there are more reports of another major earthquake hitting near the town of Namche Bazar, near Mount Everest.

All our Chapter members have reported that they are safe.

These earthquakes already claimed the lives of more than 5 000 people, injured thousands more and left tens of thousands of people without homes and supplies.

The Internet Society has a Chapter in Nepal and has been working on Internet related projects in the region since 2007.

Right now, humanitarian and aid organizations need your help to help serve areas affected by the earthquake.


Help bring Nepal back online.

You can donate to earthquake relief for Nepal on our website. Your donation will go to fund efforts to get the vital communication network in Nepal back on its feet and connecting rescuers, aid agencies and families.

Help Bring Nepal Back Online

 Find someone

Google’s Person Finder

Facebook’s SafetyCheck

Updates From the Ground

UPDATE – 12 May 2015: Early reports of another earthquake are coming in. We are still waiting for updates but to date our Chapter President, Babu Ram Aryal and Bikram Shrestha are safe.

UPDATE – 4 May 2015: Our ISOC Nepal Chapter created an album of photos on their Facebook page about their efforts to help with earthquate rescue operations.   The initial set of photos show solar panels being provided to help bring power to people affected by the earthquake.

UPDATE – 30 April 2015: Our ISOC Nepal Chapter published a post about their efforts underway to rebuild connectivity in Nepal.

UPDATE – 29 Apr 2015: Today our ISOC Nepal Chapter provided connectivity equipment to the Nepal Police to aid in helping establish communications and supporting more efficient earthquake rescue operations (photos available).  Additionally, we published a post from ISOC Nepal President Babu Ram Aryal giving a first-hand view of what life is currently like in Nepal – Rebuilding: Life During and After the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal.

UPDATE – 27 Apr 2015: Our ISOC Nepal Chapter posted this update to their Facebook page this morning:

Hi Friends.
We have had over 72 waves earthquake and 5 epicenter’ in past 30 so hours. We are suffering from lack of backup electricity and network has crippled us to update you all on social site and lack of medical treatment.
Please don’t just pray for Nepal please raise for Nepal. The number of people dead is 3300+ and over 6000+ affected and this is expected to be a lot worse. Our people do not have access to basic needs. The victims are in desperate need so please don’t ignore this and donate what you can, your contribution will make a difference.
Let’s Raise Together….

Get Information

Restoring Internet Connectivity in Nepal

Tracking Information Online

Ways To Get Involved As A Volunteer

Here’s How To Get In Touch With Our Chapter in Nepal

Other organizations active in Nepal relief efforts include:

Do you know of other ways to help?

If you know of other ways people can help Nepal, please leave them in the comments below!

Homepage Photo: "Nepal 2" © 2015 MapBox CC BY 2.0

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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