Deploy360 7 April 2015

SAFNOG2 Meeting In Mbabane, Swaziland – Speaking about IPv6 and BCOP

By Jan ŽoržFormer Operational Engagement Programme Manager

SAFNOGThe SAFNOG2 meeting in Swaziland was just opened by SAFNOG chairman, the local host and also their minister of ICT, talking about some local Internet issues that they are facing in the country. The meeting will continue with a packed agenda that will continue today and tomorrow, featuring some of best Internet experts talking about IXPs, DDoS mitigation, SDN, IPv6, BGP and other Internet technologies.

I was invited here to talk about IPv6 deployment on mobile networks and also about RIPE-631, a “IPv6 troubleshooting for helpdesks” Best Current Operational Practice (BCOP) document that recently got a consensus and was published as official RIPE BCOP document.

If you are attending SAFNOG2 meeting in Swazi, find me and let’s chat about the Internet and how to make it a better place.

Minster of ICT of Swaziland opening the SAFNOG2 meeting (Photo by Nishal Goburdhan)

Minster of ICT of Swaziland opening the SAFNOG2 meeting (Photo by Nishal Goburdhan)

Full room at SAFNOG2 (Photo by Nishal Goburdhan)

Full room at SAFNOG2 (Photo by Nishal Goburdhan)

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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