Internet Governance 24 February 2015

The voice of the Internet Society community: early numbers from IG Survey

By Sally WentworthPresident and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

A few weeks back, the Internet Society launched a survey to learn more from you, our community, about your priorities and views on Internet governance and how you think the Internet Society should engage on these important topics in 2015 and beyond.

We are thrilled with the level of response from the community. In total, we received over 800 replies from around the world in just 20 days!

We just concluded the survey last Friday and are still going over the data but I thought I’d share a first glimpse of the responses. While this was not a scientific survey, we hope that the results will offer a useful window into the kinds of issues our community cares about when it comes to Internet governance.

Overall, more than half of the total replies came from individuals who identified themselves as from the technical community.   Additionally, the survey was open to the broad Internet community, and nearly 10% of the replies came from non-ISOC members. And, we’re really excited to see that we had responses from all over the globe!

    •    Latin America  – 15%
•    Asia Pacific  – 20%
•    Europe – 23%
•    Africa  – 22%
•    Middle East – 4%
•    North America – 16%

So, thank you to all who contributed to this survey.   We will continue to analyze the results and will share a full report soon!

Meanwhile, the dialogue on these important issues continues:

ISOC-ICC-CS, IG Community Dialogue, 2 March, 12.00-14.00 UTC

ISOC community webinar on IANA: on the March 4th

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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