Google IPv6 Traffic Passes 5% – IPv6 Internet Growing Faster than IPv4! Thumbnail
IPv6 2 December 2014

Google IPv6 Traffic Passes 5% – IPv6 Internet Growing Faster than IPv4!

By Demi GetschkoGuest AuthorNominee for Internet Society Board of Trustees

We’ve been watching IPv6 traffic numbers climb ever since World IPv6 Day, and today we’re excited to see that the Google IPv6 traffic graph (pictured above) has crossed a nice round number – 5%. This means that 5% of all traffic globally reaching Google’s servers uses IPv6 as the Internet Protocol of choice. This is great news because IPv6 deployment and use means the Internet can continue to grow!

Even better, there are several countries around the world where more than 10% of the traffic from networks in those countries use IPv6 – Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, and the US – with several others close to that mark. Akamai reports similar numbers in its global per-country measurements. This is all very exciting progress as we march toward full deployment of IPv6 across the globe.

Earlier this year we predicted double digit IPv6 traffic by the end of 2014. That was a very aggressive and optimistic prediction meant to grab headlines and prompt action, and we didn’t quite make it to that target. In reality, traffic growth this year has been slower than in 2013. I’m happy to see IPv6 still increasing steadily, but of course I wish it had continued along a growth path that looked something like an S-curve. Still, it is growth, and most importantly, it means that the IPv6 Internet is growing faster than the IPv4 Internet.

When I look at the new networks that have been joining the global deployment of IPv6, as reported in our World IPv6 Launch measurements, I’m hopeful that the growth in IPv6 will continue and the rate of growth will increase. We’re beginning to see multiple mobile networks rolling out IPv6 and growth in that realm can accelerate the footprint of IPv6 rapidly.

While 5% might not seem like a large percentage, it’s a big step on the path to IPv6 becoming the prominent Internet Protocol on the Internet, and billions more people and devices being able to connect to an Internet that works like the one we’ve enjoyed and benefitted from so far. And that’s worth celebrating.

What is your network planning to do with IPv6 deployment in 2015? Our Deploy360 Programme can help you get started!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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