Deploy360 6 October 2014

INET Trinidad and Tobago To Cover IPv6, DNSSEC, IXPs and more

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

INET Trinidad and TobagoThis Wednesday and Thursday the INET Trinidad and Tobago event will bring a great amount of technical presentations to the Caribbean region. Starting on October 8, 2014, some of the presentations covering IPv6 and DNSSEC include:

  • IPv6: What Is It? Why Is It Needed?
  • IPv6 Deployment: Business Cases and Development Options (in the Caribbean)
  • Securing the DNS and Internet Routes

The event continues on Thursday, October 9, with a range of sessions related to Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), cybersecurity and trends in the overall industry.  It looks like a great event and the excellent news is that you can watch it all live at:

Note that Trinidad and Tobago use Atlantic Standard Time (AST) which is UTC-4 and right now the same as US Eastern Daylight Time.

Our colleague Shernon Osepa has more information about the INET Trinidid and Tobago event in a post on our Internet Technology Matters (ITM) blog earlier today.

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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