The September 2014 World IPv6 Launch measurements came out last week showing continued strong growth of IPv6. Verizon Wireless’ deployment edged up over 56%. T-Mobile USA is now over 40% IPv6. AT&T is getting closer to hitting 25%. Telefonica del Peru crossed over the 10% milestone. As Mat Ford wrote over on the World IPv6 Launch site:
We continue to see very encouraging growth in measured deployment across hundreds of networks both large and small.
And that is indeed the case!

Of course, not all the networks grew this month. A few were basically flat and a couple registered declines, but the overall trend is certainly in the positive direction we would like to see – and this backed up by what we see from other IPv6 statistics sites, including Google’s IPv6 trend line that just went over 4.5% this weekend.
The reality is that IPv6 is being deployed globally – if you aren’t already making plans to ensure that your online content is available over IPv6 and your networks can work with IPv6, please visit our Start Here page to find resources tailored to your type of environment to help get started!