Deploy360 16 July 2014

Vint Cerf Pitches IPv6 On The Colbert Report

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

You wouldn’t necessarily expect to hear IPv6 mentioned on something as mainstream as Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report“, but yes indeed, there was Stephen Colbert last night interviewing Vint Cerf, one of the co-fathers of the Internet and Google’s Chief Internet Evangelist. (And who also bears a striking resemblance to the “Architect” of the Matrix movies!) True to form, Vint skillfully worked in a reference to IPv6 and how we need to move to the new addresses.

UPDATE: We have been made aware that unfortunately these videos seem to only be available to viewers in the USA. There do not seem to be any other options for viewing the videos.

You can watch the full episode, or just the sections with Vint.  The IPv6 reference comes about in Part 2.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Great to see IPv6 get this mention… maybe a few more people will at least know what IPv6 is and why we need it. 🙂

If you want to get started with IPv6, please visit our START HERE page to find resources aimed at your type of organization – and please let us know if you need more information!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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