Deploy360 15 October 2013

What Does the IPv6-only Web Look Like? Video Of Lee Howard’s RIPE67 Talk

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Lee Howard at RIPE 67What does the Web look like if you are browsing from an IPv6-only network? At the RIPE 67 event yesterday in Athens, Greece, Lee Howard of Time Warner Cable gave a brief overview of his team’s look at the IPv6-only user experience – and what needs to be done to make that experience a better one!

The video of Lee’s talk is available for viewing from the RIPE 67 site, as are Lee’s slides.

The key point for website operators is – you need to make your website available over IPv6 now (And here are our suggestions for how to get started with making your content work over IPv6.)

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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