Over on the World IPv6 Launch blog, Mat Ford just announced the most recent set of IPv6 measurements from the 114 network operators participating in the measurements program (and any network operator can join). Mat notes the great news that an ISP in Singapore, Starhub, moved from 0.1% to over 8% deployment in the space of a month. That is outstanding! Congratulations to the crew at Starhub!
What I personally found even more fascinating was that when I went to the World IPv6 Launch measurements page and clicked on the “IPv6 deployment” column header twice to get a list sorted by the highest percentage…
Google Fiber came out as #1 with a staggering 77.55% of all observed traffic being over IPv6:

To be clear, let us remember how these statistics are collected.
Google, Facebook and Yahoo all measure the amount of IPv6 traffic they are seeing coming in to their respective sites and services from all the participating networks. (You can read more about their specific techniques at the bottom of the Measurements page.) That information is then averaged and presented on the Measurements page for each ISP.
In this case 77.55% of the traffic received across those three measurement providers from the Google Fiber network was all over IPv6. Amazing! Congratulations to the Google Fiber team!
P.S. It’s also interesting to note the growth of many networks versus where they were when we last wrote about the statistics in April. For instance, the top 10 networks sorted on observed percentage of IPv6 are now all over 30%.