Deploy360 9 May 2013

Packet Pushers Healthy Paranoia Podcast: IPv6 Security Smackdown

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

Packet Pushers podcast logoInterested in IPv6 security? Back in October 2012, the Packet Pushers podcast had a great show on the topic called “Healthy Paranoia Show 4:IPv6 Security Smackdown!” Guests included many of the people we’ve routinely interacted with about IPv6 at events and on mailing lists:

  • Fernando Gont, security researcher
  • Eric Vyncke, Cisco Distinguished Consulting Engineer and author
  • Joe Klein, security researcher
  • TJ Evans, IPv6 instructor and engineer
  • Jim Small, Sr. Consultant – Network/Security Architecture and Engineering, CDW
  • Scott Hogg, Cisco Press author and Director of Technology Solutions for RMv6TF

The show runs about 90 minutes and is well worth a listen!

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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