Deploy360 18 May 2012

Friday IPv6 Meme Image: IPv6 On All The Things!

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

It’s late on a Friday afternoon… we’re all a little silly and ready for an insanely busy work week to wind down… so a colleague goes to and in a minute or two passes around an image:

IPv6 On All The Things

We laughed… and a few others were admittedly created.  🙂

And then we got to thinking… in the midst of all this serious promotion we’re doing for World IPv6 Launch, why not have a little fun with it?  So we thought we’d ask you all:


I’m sure with all the creative potential out there – and the many different meme image generation sites – surely you all can come up with some better or more creative ones than we have!

Please send them to us at [email protected] – or leave links as comments to this post – and what we’ll do is run the best submissions we see on the next couple of Fridays before the big Launch.  We ask only two things:

  • Please include “” somewhere on the image.
  • Please don’t use profanity.

Well… feel free to to send us ones with profanity if you want to make us smile, but given that we try to keep this site “Safe For Work” we probably won’t be publishing any of those 😉

So please… send us your kittens!  Send us your LOLcats!  Send us your very serious person images… or whatever else.

Let’s have a little bit of fun with this, eh?

P.S. And feel free to pass along the image we have here, too 🙂

Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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