Deploy360 26 January 2012

Video/Slides – Dead Men Walking: IPv6 and DNSSEC

By Dan YorkDirector, Internet Technology

If after 10 years we still can’t make IPv6 fly, is it time to rethink our strategy?

That was one of the questions posed in this presentation by consultant Bill St. Arnaud as part of a panel on IPv6 and DNSSEC at the Internet ON (ION) Conference in Toronto on November 14, 2011. St. Arnaud examined the issues around deployment of IPv6, examined alternatives and talked about some successes – and then gave DNSSEC a similar treatment before giving his conclusions about what we need to do to move deployment forward.

The video is available for viewing:

As are Bill’s slides:

Dead Men Walking: IPv6 and DNSSEC

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Disclaimer: Viewpoints expressed in this post are those of the author and may or may not reflect official Internet Society positions.

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