Osvaldo Larancuent

Osvaldo Larancuent


Mr. Osvaldo Larancuent is professor at the university INTEC, as well as UASD primate of America, in the Dominican Republic. He has a Master in Leading Innovation and Change (York SJ, UK); and a bachelor degree in Systems Engineer (INTEC, RD). He owns the firm O. Larancuent Consulting (http://olc.do), providing consulting services on ICT Innovation; He also mentors social and business entrepreneurs. He has 23+ years experience as CIO and CBDO, in the Banreservas the major commercial bank (public sector) in DR; he is specialized in e-Banking, e- Payments, e-Services. He writes articles on the press, and on his blog Innovation and Change (http://innovacionycambio.org. He is linked to different professional and business associations related to ICT in DR such as the American Chamber of Commerce, Chamber ICT, Internet Society, among others.

You may contact him via email: [email protected]; Twitter: @olarancuent.


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Osvaldo Larancuent