Sally Braun, General Manager of the Western James Bay Telecom Network since August 2012, is based in Moose Factory and Timmins ON. Ms. Braun is responsible for overall management of the Western James Bay Telecom Network including operations, project management, regulatory compliance and community relations. Ms. Braun is currently managing the roll out of a $ 4.7 million dollar Fibre to the Home project in the communities of Attawapiskat, Kashechewan and Fort Albany with activation scheduled for activation in late 2021. Once deployed, FTTH will increase the broadband capacity to each home to the federal benchmark of 50 meg download and 10 meg uploads. Prior to WJBTN, Ms. Braun was Project Manager with Attawapiskat Enterprises preparing the business case and funding proposal for Attawapiskat First Nation to develop and manage a community-owned cellular telephone system.
Ms. Braun has consulted on education and training initiatives for the Attawapiskat First Nation Education Authority and is a director of the First Mile Connectivity Consortium (FMCC). Ms. Braun holds a degree in Law and Justice (Honours) from Laurentian University and an Honours Diploma in Library and Information Technology from Georgian College. She has lived on the James Bay Coast for 15 years in Attawapiskat and Moose Factory. Prior to 2005, Ms. Braun was deployed by the Canadian government in the field of international community development in St. Lucia, West Indies and Papua New Guinea.