German M. Fajardo Muriel

German M. Fajardo Muriel

Colombia Chapter


German Fajardo Muriel is an Electrical Engineer and Telematics Specialist from the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá Colombia), with a postgraduate degree in Management and Business Administration (MBA) from Northeastern University (Boston - USA). 

He has more than 29 years of professional experience in the telecommunications and ICT sector. Since 1991 he has been Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and in 2014 we was recognized as IEEE Senior Member (the highest professional grade of the IEEE in recognition of his professional standing). Since 2011 he is Global Member of the Internet Society (ISOC) and Founder Member of the Internet Society Colombia Chapter, officially created in October 2018. 

Currently, German is President at OhmTel Ltda and Chapters Advisory Council (ChAC) Steering Committee Member at Internet Society. Previously, he held technical, commercial and management positions in public, private owned and non-for profit companies. He has participated as Member of the Board of Directors of companies in the telecommunications sector (operators, research centers, services providers, Internet Society Colombia Chapter, among others), in the oil sector (distributors of products derived from oil and gas), as well as in Public-Private Partnerships (for the provision of telecommunications services, fiber optic deployment using energy infrastructure and operation of satellite services in the Andean Community). 

During 2020 his contributions to the ChAC Steering Committee include the participation in the definition of the amending proposal of the ChAC Charter as well as of the ChAC Rules and Procedures, and he would like to contribute to the completion of this important process in order to be implemented during 2021. 

Curriculum Vitae: