Patrick Vande Walle is an official of the European Commission since 1993, where he held several positions. Until January 2004, he was in charge of the data processing infrastructure of the Directorate-General Information Society in Luxembourg, where he coined the idea of the DotEU TLD. He is now is charge of new IT technologies at the European Union Publications Office.
His previous positions include Paribas Bank , WordPerfect Corporation and Fnac .
Current volunteer activities include:
Chair of the Luxembourg chapter of the Internet Society
Chair of the Luxembourg IPv6 Task Force
Member of the European IPv6 task Force Steering Committee
Board Member of the Luxembourg Open Source Initiative
WSIS representative for ISOC Luxembourg
He is fluent in several languages, including PHP , Perl and C .
Patrick devotes most of what is left of his spare time to his wife and four children.
Contact address: [email protected].