Brian Nakogee

Brian Nakogee



Brian Nakogee is an administrator/manager by profession. He is a proficient writer with sound financial knowledge. Brian has recently secured funding for a major FTTH (Fibre to the home) expansion project that will immensely assist in improving the lives of people who reside North of the 51st parallel. Brian is a member of Attawapiskat First Nation and hails from the territory of the Omushkegowuk (Swampy Cree) from Northern Ontario on the west coast of Weeneebaykook which is referred to as James Bay. He is a graduate of Timmins High and Vocational School and also studied at Northern College in the Business Administration Program both of which are located in Timmins, Ontario. He is also a graduate of the Native Counsellor Program at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Brian is an undergraduate student at Ryerson University in the Public Administration and Governance Program.